Legal Mentions



  Siparex XAnge Venture is a French-law public limited company (Société Anonyme) governed by an Executive Committee (Directoire) and a Supervisory Board (Conseil de Surveillance), with capital stock of €1,245,200. Registered office: 27 Rue Marbeuf, 75008 Paris (France) Commercial registry number: B 452 276 181 Siret number: 452 276 181 000 32 Publication director: Bertrand Rambaud


The purpose of this website is to provide information to the public about XAnge’s business and the main characteristics of its products and services. Under no circumstances should the information contained herein be construed as an indication of the future performance of XAnge Private Equity. Due to the risks inherent in XAnge’s business, we hereby inform visitors that all information contained in this website is intended for individuals with sufficient prior knowledge of this type of business. By accessing this website, visitors acknowledge that they have read this disclaimer. The information contained in the website is not contractual. Under no circumstances does this information constitute an offer to buy products or services, a recommendation, and/or a solicitation for a tender or public offering. Accordingly, this information has not been examined by accredited authorities as required under procedures for public offerings. The website and all the information contained therein (including, but not limited to, trademarks, logos, graphic designs, and photographs) are protected by copyright under intellectual property law. Any and all information on this website is solely intended for visitors’ personal use and may not be reproduced or communicated to third parties, whether wholly or in part, for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Users shall be liable for any reproduction or, more generally speaking, any unauthorized use of this website or of the information contained therein, and may consequently be subject to legal proceedings, including for copyright infringement. XAnge has made every effort to ensure that information on this site is correct and up-to-date. Accordingly, it reserves the right to make corrections at any time without prior notice. However, XAnge cannot guarantee the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information provided herein, including hyperlinks or any other electronic links used directly or indirectly when browsing the site. Visitors to the site are thus informed that it is their responsibility to verify such information by other means, including by directly contacting the companies concerned.   Consequently, XAnge declines all liability for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in information on the site, for any losses resulting from unauthorized access and alteration of its content by a third party or, more generally, for any direct or indirect losses, irrespective of the causes, origin, nature, or consequences resulting from access to the site by any party, or the inability to access the site, or from the use of the site and/or any information originating directly from the site.