Kiplin is a start-up based in Nantes, founded by Vincent Tharreau with the ambition to become the reference player in the field of health prevention through games encouraging physical activity and fitness training. It aims at empowering users in shifting to – and maintaining in the long run – a healthier lifestyle.
Kiplin is a positive impact company through its products, but also the values the founding team are supporting. Vincent is supported by two great co-founders : Marine Blond (CSO) and Pierre Charles Bertineau (CTO). The leadership team has assembled a qualified scientific and technical team, a well-designed sales team and will pursue its recruitment plan in the tech, sales and customer success fields.
XAnge is an active promotor of tech and service innovation all along the healthcare system and we believe Kiplin has a great part to play. The company developed engaging and motivating games and physical coaching for patients suffering from chronic disease or post surgery, senior patients. The programmes and games are prescribed by doctors to their patients, and the company is filing for a reimbursement with a ‘article 51’ scheme promoting innovative financing in the healthcare systems in test by the Assurance Maladie. It has as partnership with Ramsay Sante on this innovative scheme.
The training games and programs are also designed for companies willing to have an active corporate wellness strategy for their employees. Kiplin focused on companies whose employees are particularly exposed to sedentary working conditions or to musculoskeletal disorders.
Kiplin has great perspective in the Digital Therapeutics (DTx) space, its app is MD certified, and the scientific team is developing several projects and clinical studies with healthcare institutions and academia, we are proud to support the collaboration between start-ups and academia, which is key to demonstrate and monitor effectiveness of the solution and improve its health impact.
The 3,7 M€ invested in this round of funding will enable the acceleration of clinical studies, partnership with health public and private institutions and technical development.
We are happy to support Kiplin, its positioning fits with our impact investing strategy and is well aligned with Mutuelles Impact investment thesis in the field of health and particularly preventive health lifestyles. We at XAnge are historically active in the field of impact investing and are proud to manage the fund Mutuelles Impact, launched by the federation La Mutualité Française in partnership with Investir&+ and backed by 45 Mutuelles.