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Looking back to 2021, a year of acceleration for XAnge’s impact commitment

As we just said goodbye to 2021, it’s a good time to reflect on what we’ve done so far to improve our positive impact, both as investors and as a company. We know there will always be more to do: that’s why “impact” will remain a top priority for XAnge in 2022.

Throughout the year 2021, we have accelerated our work, as a company, to measure and evaluate our environmental and social impact through:

  • the completion of our carbon footprint assessment (for 2019),
  • the signature of the SISTA collective charter, to accelerate women entrepreneurs’ financing,
  • the signature of the Pacte Climat act,
  • the start of our BCorp certification process.
  • the signature of the Planet Tech Care Manifesto
  • an ongoing work with Ronalpia, an inclusive acceleration program to encourage entrepreneurship for people from minorities, to support their entrepreneurs to raise funds.


At XAnge, we are convinced that our role is to support our portfolio companies to handle today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, above typical scaling issues. 

That’s why we also worked closely with our portfolio companies to help them improve their operations with a support in carrying out their carbon audit, throughout our 90 Day Carbon Footprint Challenge (two new batch of the program will be launched in March and  September 2022) and via the launch of 4 thematic workshops on diversity, inclusion, greener IT, etc.

In 2022, we’ll keep following this path, not only to comply with the new regulatory framework on ESG reporting, but also to stay ahead of the best practices in this area.

Also, as a VC investment platform, we kept strengthening our Impact investing angle in 2021, investing in new companies and also reinvesting in some existing impact deals. We recruited Nadja Bresous, as a Partner on our Impact activities: her mission is to accelerate these efforts and expand our Impact footprint.

In addition, we launched a new Impact fund, “Mutuelles Impact. This fund was initiated by the Mutualité Française and is operated by XAnge in partnership with Investir &+. It is dedicated to investing in impact startups in the health and prevention segments. 

Behind the curtain, we are also working hard on new methodologies to assess the impact of our portfolio companies, as well as impact-based incentives for our founders. But this topic deserves an entire post… stay tuned!

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