Our ESG policy

Commitment and Values:

From the outset, XAnge has been deeply committed to responsible investing, anchored in our foundational values. We understand the profound importance of weaving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment decisions. This dedication is not just symbolic; it is embedded in our charter, highlighting the central role of ESG criteria throughout our investment journey and in the continuous monitoring of our assets. Our B Corp certification is a testament to our unwavering adherence to these values. As investors, we recognize our unique position in the ecosystem:
  • We possess the power to accelerate and, with this power, comes the responsibility to ensure the positive impact of the companies we finance in both the short and long term.
  • We have the power to guide. Being part of the board of the companies we finance, we are in an optimal position to encourage them to enhance their responsible initiatives.
  • We bear the duty of exemplarity as we are interdependent. Our ESG impact is a culmination of the practices of our investments, in addition to our suppliers, akin to a traditional company.

Affiliations and Recognitions:

Moreover, through the Siparex Foundation, we extend our backing to Forces Femme—a charity dedicated to supporting women in entrepreneurship.

Sustainable Portfolio Management:

Our ESG analysis is foundational to our investment approach. In collaboration with reputable external consultants, we've:
  • Instituted a systematic ESG analysis for potential investments.
  • Integrated formal ESG due diligence.
  • Adopted annual ESG reporting to foster transparency and iterative progress.
Our well-prepared investment team is steeped in ESG knowledge, ensuring our startups consistently meet mandatory ESG reporting criteria. Complementing this, our Startup Success team guarantees that portfolio companies design and adhere to a tailored ESG roadmap, adapted to their maturity. At XAnge and within the larger Siparex group, Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is not just a practice; it is an integral part of our core philosophy. We take pride in being pioneers in the European market, consistently demonstrating our unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable investments. Those can be consulted within our last ESG report. Our continuous efforts, partnerships, and strategic adaptations serve as concrete evidence of our steadfast belief in and unwavering dedication to shaping a more sustainable and promising future.